联系方式:Email: xiahm@vip.henu.edu.cn
1、 学术型硕士:地图学与地理信息系统/遥感科学与技术/测绘科学与技术;专业型硕士:资源与环境、学科教学(地理)
2、 博士:地图学与地理信息系统/遥感科学与技术
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Haoming-Xia
一、 教育经历
二、 工作经历
三、 学术兼职
Journal of Chinese Geographical Science青年编委(2024.01-2025.12)、Review Editor of Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems、IEEE JSTARS “Advances in soil moisture mapping with multi-sensor data integration approaches”专刊编辑;Remote Sensing of Environment、ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing、Agricultural and Forest Meteorology、International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation、Remote Sensing等期刊评审人。
四、 获奖情况
1. 2022年河南省教学成果特等奖;
2. 2021年河南省科学技术进步二等奖;
3. 2021年河南省首届教材建设一等奖;
4. 2021年河南省教师教育教学成果一等奖;
5. 2023年第四届全国高校GIS教学成果特等奖
6. 2023年伟德betvlctor19462012-2022年度教学优秀奖;
7. 2023年伟德betvlctor19462012-2022年度科研优秀奖;
8. “新蚁族杯”第六届中国高校地理科学展示大赛北部赛区总决赛一等奖、最具创新性主题奖,指导老师;
9. “新蚁族杯”第六届中国高校地理科学展示大赛总决赛二等奖,指导老师;
10. 2023易智瑞杯中国大学生GIS软件开发竞赛·地图故事组一等奖,指导老师;
11. 2023易智瑞杯中国大学生GIS软件开发竞赛·地图故事组二等奖,指导老师;
12. 2023易智瑞杯中国大学生GIS软件开发竞赛·地图故事组三等奖,指导老师;
13. 2023年第五届全国大学生土地国情调查大赛决赛三等奖;
14. 2023年十六届河南省“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛二等奖,指导老师
15. 2022年河南省研究生教育工作优秀团队“伟德betvlctor1946”团队成员;
16. 2022年河南省研究生创新之星(郭研)硕士导师;
17. 2022年第九届“共享杯”科技资源共享服务创新大赛,优秀指导教师奖;
18. 2022年第九届“共享杯”科技资源共享服务创新大赛二等奖,王瑞萌(硕士);
19. 2023年河南省教育厅优秀科技论文一等奖;
20. 2022年河南省教育厅优秀科技论文一等奖;
21. 2021年河南省教育厅优秀科技论文一等奖;
22. 2021年河南省教育厅科技成果一等奖;
23. 2022年开封市第十八届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖;
24. 2021年开封市第十七届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖;
25. 2020年开封市第十六届自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖;
26. 2021年伟德betvlctor1946高等教育教学成果特等奖;
27. 2021年伟德betvlctor1946教师教育教学成果特等奖;
28. 2021年伟德betvlctor19462019-2021年度教学优秀奖;
29. 2021年伟德betvlctor19462020-2021学年非标准答案试题及学生优秀答案案例一等奖;
30. 2020年伟德betvlctor19462019-2020学年非标准答案试题及学生优秀答案案例一等奖
31. 2020年伟德betvlctor1946抗“疫”优秀课程思政一等奖;
五、 论著
Web GIS原理与应用,国家一流线上课程,主讲教师,2023
参编《Web GIS原理与技术》,高等教育出版社,2018版和2022版
1. 夏浩铭、彭洁、秦耀辰*、郭暄、李佳琪,基于Web GIS的地理智慧课堂模式探究.中学地理教学参考. 2023, 07:55-58+61.
2. 郭暄,夏浩铭*,秦耀辰,李佳琪,闫卫阳,付品德. 基于ArcGIS Online的“云研学”旅行模式构建. 中学地理教学参考. 2023,02:48-51.
3. 郭暄,夏浩铭*,秦耀辰,李佳琪,闫卫阳,付品德. Web GIS在中学地理教学的应用. 现代中小学教育. 2022,38(09):59-63.
4. 李佳琪,夏浩铭*,秦耀辰,郭暄. Web GIS故事地图在初中区域地理中的应用. 中学地理教学参考. 2022, 06: 69-72+76.
5. Li Jiaqi, Xia Haoming*, Qin Yaochen*, Fu Pinde, Guo Xuan, Li Rumeng, Zhao Xiaoyang. Web GIS for Sustainable Education: Towards Natural Disaster Education for High School Students. Sustainability. 2022, 14(5):2694.
秦耀辰、付品德、闫卫阳*、夏浩铭,国家联合虚拟教研室的组织模式与实践探索,高等理科教育,2022,02: 94-99.
1. Haoming Xia, Longxin Qiao, Yan Guo, Xutong Ru, Yaochen Qin, Yuyu Zhou*, Chaoyang Wu*. Enhancing Phenology Modeling Through the Integration of Artificial Light at Night Effects. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2024, 303: 113997. (SCI 顶刊)
2. Qiao longxin, Xia Haoming*. The impact of Drought Time Scales and Characteristics on Gross Primary Productivity in China from 2001 to 2020. Geo-spatial Information Science, 2024. (SCI 一区)
3. Qiao longxin, Xia Haoming*, Xiaoyang Zhao, Jia Yang, Hongquan Song, Yinzhan Liu. Divergent impacts of drought on autumn phenology in China. Ecological Indicators. 2024,149:110157. (SCI 二区TOP)
4. Xia Haoming, Xiqing Bian, Pan Li, Rumeng Li. Mapping tea plantation area using phenology algorithm, time-series Sentinel-2 and Landsat images in Google Earth Engine. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2023, 44(9): 2826-2846.
5. Li Rumeng, Xia Haoming*, Zhao Xiaoyang, Guo Yan. Mapping evergreen forests using new phenology index, time series Sentinel-1/2 and Google Earth Engine. Ecological Indicators, 2023, 149: 110157. (SCI 二区TOP)
6. Guo Yan, Xia Haoming*, Zhao Xiaoyang, Qiao Longxin, Du Qian and Qin Yaochen. Early-season mapping of winter wheat and garlic in Huaihe basin using Sentinel-1/2 and Landsat-7/8 imagery. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2023, 16, 8809-8817. (SCI 二区TOP)
7. Xu Y, Xiao S, Qu J, et al. Parallel Compared-and-Stacked Pyramid Transformer Network for Unsupervised Hyperspectral Change Detection[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2023. (SCI 一区)
8. Li Rumeng, Xia Haoming*, Zhao Xiaoyang, Bian Xiqing, Guo Yan, Qin Yaochen. Spatiotemporal changes in snow depth and the influence factors in China from 1979 to 2019 [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30(11): 30221-30236. (SCI 三区)
9. 乔龙鑫、郑泽琳、马晓岩、张兴旺、茹旭彤、彭洁、赵晓阳、夏浩铭*. 2003-2021年黄河流域逐月1km分辨率VCI和TCI干旱指数数据集. 中国科学数据, 2023,7(3).
10. 沙寅涛、刘戈、赵晓阳、董光华、靳宁、夏浩铭*. 2003-2022年黄河流域TCI、VCI、VHI、TVDI逐年1km分辨率数据集. 中国科学数据, 2023,7(3).
11. Dong W., Zhang T., et al. A special-spectral dual-optimization model driven deep network for hyperspectral and multispectral image fusion. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2022, 60: 1-16.
12. 马晓岩,张兴旺,乔龙鑫,郑泽琳,潘力,彭洁,杨涵璐,夏浩铭*. 2019–2021年河南省越冬作物分布数据集. 中国科学数据, 2022,7(3).
13. Zhang, L., Wang, F., et al. Effects of projected climate change on winter wheat yield in Henan, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 379: 134734.
14. Chen Youkuo, Guo Yan, Qiao Longxin and Xia Haoming *. Coupling optical and SAR imagery for automatic garlic mapping, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2022
15. Guo Yan, Xia Haoming*, et al. Estimate the earliest phenophase for garlic mapping using time series Landsat 8/9 images. Remote Sensing. 2022, 14(18): 4476.
16. Ru X., Song H., et al. Effects of Land Use and Land Cover Change on Temperature in Summer over the Yellow River Basin, China. Remote Sensing. 2022, 14(17): 4352.
17. Guo Yan, Xia Haoming*, Pan Li, Zhao Xiaoyang, Li Rumeng. Mapping the northern limit of double cropping using a phenology-based algorithm and Google Earth Engine. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(4): 1004.高被引论文
18. 潘力,夏浩铭*,王瑞萌,牛文辉, 田海峰, 秦耀辰. 基于Google Earth Engine的淮河流域越冬作物种植面积制图.农业工程学报. 2021,37(18):211-218.
19. Pan Li, Xia Haoming*, et al. Mapping cropping intensity in Huaihe basin using phenology algorithm, all Sentinel-2 and Landsat images in Google Earth Engine. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 2021, 102: 102376. 热点、高被引论文
20. Zhao Xiaoyang, Xia Haoming*, et al. Drought monitoring over Yellow River Affected Area from 2003-2019 using reconstructed MODIS Land Surface Temperature in Google Earth Engine. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13(18): 3748. 热点、高被引论文
21. Guo Yan, Xia Haoming*, et al. Development of a New Phenology Algorithm for Fine Mapping of Cropping Intensity in Complex Planting Areas Using Sentinel-2 and Google Earth Engine, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2021, 10(9): 587.
22. Pan Li, Xia Haoming*, et al. Mapping winter crops using phenology algorithm, time-series Sentinel-2 and Landsat-7/8 images, and Google Earth Engine. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13(13): 2510. 热点、高被引论文
23. Niu Wenhui, Xia Haoming, et al. Research on Large-Scale Urban Shrinkage and Expansion in the Yellow River Affected Area Using Night Light Data. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2021;10(1):5.
24. Liu X., Song H., et al. Effects of natural and anthropogenic factors and their interactions on dust events in Northern China. Catena, 2021, 196, 104919.
25. Qu Jiahui, Du Qian, et al. Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery Based on Gaussian Mixture Model. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2020, 59(11): 9504-9517.
26. 王永久, 田海峰, 夏浩铭等.黄河花园口至柳园口段河道变迁遥感监测.人民黄河, 2020, 42 (S2): 61-63.
27. Wang Ruimeng, Xia Haoming*, et al. Dynamic Monitoring of Surface Water Area during 1989–2019 in the Hetao Plain Using Landsat Data in Google Earth Engine. Water,2020,12(11), 3010.
28. Zhang X., Cui Y., et al. Evaluating the accuracy of and evaluating the potential errors in extracting vegetation phenology through remote sensing in China. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2020, 41(9): 3592-3613.
29. Hu Y., Xu X., et al. Estimating Forest Stock Volume in Hunan Province, China, by Integrating in Situ Plot Data, Sentinel-2 Images, and Linear and Machine Learning Regression Models. Remote Sensing, 2020,12(1) 186.
30. Xia Haoming, Qin Yaochen, et al. Forest Phenology dynamics to climate change and topography in a geographic and climate transition zone: The Qinling Mountains in central China. Forests, 2019, 10(11),1007.
31. Xia Haoming, Zhao Jinyu, et al. Changes in Water Surface Area during 1989-2017 in the Huaihe River Basin using Landsat data and Google Earth Engine. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11,1824.
32. Ma Liqun, Xia Haoming*, et al. Spatiotemporal variability of asymmetric diurnal and night-time warming and its effects on vegetation in the Yellow River Basin from 1982 to 2015. Sensors, 2019, 19,1832.
33. Ma Liqun, Qin Fen, Wang Hao, Qin Yaochen, Xia Haoming*. Asymmetric seasonal daytime and nighttime warming and its effects on vegetation in the Loess Plateau. Plos One, 2019, 14, e0218480
34. Zhang Dongyan, et al. Winter Wheat Mapping Based on Sentinel-2 Data in Heterogeneous Planting Conditions. Remote Sensing. 2019, 11(22),2647.
35. Jin Huaan, Xu Weixing, et al. Spatially and Temporally Continuous Leaf Area Index Mapping for Crops through Assimilation of Multi-resolution Satellite Data. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11,2517.
36. Xia Haoming, Feng Gary, et al Mapping leaves nitrogen of cotton using the UAV multi-spectral aerial images and plot-scale measurements. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, 2019.
37. Xia Haoming, Feng Gary, Qin Yaochen*. Estimation of leaf area index and above-ground biomass in soybean canopy using Sentinel-1 & 2, and Landsat images. AGU, 2019.
38. Xia Haoming, Li Ainong, et al. The effects of asymmetric diurnal warming on vegetation growth of the Tibetan Plateau over the past three decades. Sustainability, 2018, 10(4):1103.
39. 马利群, 秦奋, 孙九林, 王浩, 夏浩铭*. 黄土高原昼夜不对称性增温及其对植被NDVI的影响. 资源科学, 2018, 40(08): 1684-1692.
40. Peng Jie, Peng Li, et al. Regional inequalities in comprehensive development in China from 1992 to 2013: Comparative estimation based on statistical and DMSP/OLS data. Growth and change, 2018, 49(4): 743-761.
41. Li Xiaoyang, Song Hongquan, et al. Particulate matter pollution in Chinese cities: Areal-temporal variations and their relationships with meteorological conditions (2015-2017). Environmental Pollution. 2018, 246: 11-18.
42. Xia Haoming, Zhao Wei, Li Ainong, et al. Subpixel Inundation Mapping Using Landsat-8 OLI and UAV Data for a Wetland Region on the Zoige Plateau, China. Remote Sensing, 2017, 9(1):0031.
43. 夏浩铭, 李爱农, 赵伟, 边金虎. 遥感反演蒸散发时间尺度拓展方法研究进展. 农业工程学报, 2016, 31(24): 162-173.
44. 夏浩铭, 李爱农, 赵伟, 边金虎, 雷光斌. 2001-2010年秦岭森林物候时空变化遥感监测. 地理科学进展, 2016, 34(10): 1297-1305.
45. 张正健, 李爱农, 边金虎, 赵伟, 南希, 雷光斌, 谭剑波, 夏浩铭, 汪阳春, 杜小林, 林家元. 基于无人机的山地遥感观测平台及可靠性分析——以若尔盖试验为例. 遥感技术与应用, 2016, 31(03): 417-429.
张正健, 李爱农, 边金虎, 赵伟, 南希, 靳华安, 谭剑波, 雷光斌, 夏浩铭, 杨勇帅, 孙明江. 基于无人机影像可见光植被指数的若尔盖草地地上生物量估算研究. 遥感技术与应用, 2016, 31(01): 51-62.
六、 项目(01): 51-62.
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:城市温度-光周期对植物秋季物候的影响及机制,2023-2026,主持;
2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:黄河流域陆地生态系统多功能性的多尺度格局及其驱动机制,2022-2026,项目骨干;
3. 信阳生态研究院2023年度开放基金面上项目:近20年大别山天然常绿林分布格局及其驱动机制,2023-2026,主持
4. 河南省科技攻关计划项目:城市温度-光周期对植物物候的影响及机制,2024-2026,主持;
5. 河南省科技攻关计划项目:小浪底大坝对黄河下游消落带作物生长的影响机制,2021-2022,主持;
6. 2022年河南省本科高校研究性教学示范课程项目:网络与移动 GIS, 2023-2024;
7. 2021年河南省本科高校课程思政教学团队建设项目:地理信息课程思政教学团队, 2022-2023;
8. 伟德betvlctor1946校级教改项目教师教学发展专项:高校地理科学教师教学能力提升模式研究与实践, 2021-2022,主持;
9. 中国气象局/河南省农业气象保障与应用重点实验开放基金:基于遥感大数据的黄河下游河灌区农田蒸散发估算及其耗水规律研究, 2018-2020,主持;
10. 河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目:气候过渡带森林物候期变化及对NPP的作用机理研究, 2018-2019,主持;
七、 发明专利和软件著作权
(1) 夏浩铭, 厉如梦. 基于云平台融合多源卫星影像的常绿森林自动识别方法, 2023.06.06, 中国,
ZL 2022 1 0800778.5
(2) 夏浩铭, 赵晓阳, 赵伟. 基于随机森林回归模型的高分辨率SPEI数据集开发方法, 2023.05.30, 中国,ZL 2022 1 1123216.8
(3) 夏浩铭, 郭研. 基于云计算平台和生命周期的双季作物种植界线自动化提取方法,2023.05.09,中国,ZL 2022 1 0133944.0
(4) 夏浩铭, 潘力, 卢鹤立, 秦耀辰. 一种云计算平台下基于多源全时相卫星影像的越冬作物种植面积识别方法,2022.02.01,中国,ZL 2021 1 0656413.5
(5) 夏浩铭, 潘力, 秦耀辰, 郭研. 基于云平台融合多源卫星影像和茶树物候期的茶园自动识别方法,2022.02.01,中国,ZL 2021 1 0573439.3
(6) 夏浩铭, 赵威, 陈优阔, 秦耀辰. 一种无人机高精度全画幅倾斜摄影测量装置,2021.07.31,中国,ZL 2020 1 0763564.6
(7) 夏浩铭, 陈优阔, 赵威, 秦耀辰. 一种无人机倾斜摄影测量偏航角自动纠偏装置,2021.06.04,中国,ZL 2020 1 0763529.4
(8) 夏浩铭, 秦耀辰, 陈优阔, 赵威. 空谱联合超图嵌入的高光谱图像极限学习机聚类方法,2020.06.19, 中国, ZL 201910582628.X.
(9) Xia Haoming, Pan Li, Chen, Youkuo, Qin Yaochen, Guo Yan, Yu Yaping, Qiu Lin. Automatic Tea Garden Identification Method Based on Cloud Platform Fusion of Multi-Source Satellite Images and Tea Phenological Period. 2021.09.29, 2021105575.
(1)夏浩铭, 秦耀辰. 基于Web GIS的黄河下游农业综合管理信息系统,登记号:2021SR0143122,证书号:07309972,2021.
(2)夏浩铭, 秦耀辰. 基于Web GIS的黄河下游景观动态监测系统,登记号:2021SR0144748,证书号:07305434,2021
八、 数据集
1. 2001-2020年中国1km分辨率多时间尺度SPEI数据集https://doi.org/10.57760/sciencedb.ecodb.00090
2. 2019–2021年河南省越冬作物分布数据集. 数据下载网址https://doi.org/10.12199/ecodb.j00003.00018
3. 2003-2022年黄河流域TCI、VCI、VHI、TVDI逐年1km分辨率数据集https://doi.org/10.57760/sciencedb.09116