



  • 性  别:男

  • 出生年月:1958.9

  • 籍  贯:河南省清丰县

  • 联系方式:

  • 电子邮箱:


1. 土壤地理与土壤环境

2. 自然地理综合研究






1. 著作和教材

1)自然地理界面理论与实践. 副主编,中国农业出版社,1996

2)现代自然地理学. 主编,北京师范大学出版社,2002

3)系统科学及其在地理学中的应用. 马建华等编,科学出版社,2002

4)嵩山地区自然地理及其实习. 主编,科学出版社,2006

5)河南惠楼山药品质及立地条件分析. 独著,科学出版社,2012

6)开封古城黄泛地层洪水记录及洪灾度反演. 马建华等著,科学出版社,2016

2. 代表性论文

1Ma J H, Zhao Q L, Han J X. Division of north boundary of subtropical zone according to the composition and properties of soil humus. Chinese Geographical Science, 2002, 12(2)

2Ma J H, Xu S M, Han J X,Zhu L Q, Zhao Q L. Study on north boundary of subtropical zone in Funiu Mountain according to according to soil geochemistry. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2003,13(3)

3Ma J H, Li J. Some features of physical geography in the transitional region between Qinling Mountians and Hanghuai Plain. Journal of Geographical Sciences2004, 14(4)

4Ma J H, Chu C J, Li J, Song B.Heavy metal pollution in soils on railroadside of Zhengzhou-Putian Section of Longxi-Haizhou Railroad. Pedosphere, 2009,19(1)

5Sun Y L, Ma J H (Corresponding author), Li Can. Content and densities of soil organic carbon in urban soil in different function districts of KaifengJournal of Geographical Science. 2010, 20(1)

6Ma J H, Sun Y L, Chu C J. Chaotic characters of the Yellow River Basin based on the sediment time series: An attempt to integrated research in geography. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2010, 20(2)

7Liu D X, Ma J H(corresponding author), Sun Y L, Li Y M. Spatial distribution of soil magnetic susceptibility and correlation with heavy metal pollution in Kaifeng City, China. Catena, 2016, 139.

8Liu D X, Li Y M, Ma J H(corresponding author), Li C, Chen X. Heavy metal pollution in urban soil from 1994 to 2012 in Kaifeng City, China. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 2016, 227(5).

9)马建华,陆静,谷蕾,刘德新,陈彦芳,吴朋飞,王清利. 黑碳在开封古城黄泛地层沉积旋回划分中的指示意义. 地理学报,2015, 704

10)刘德新,马建华(通讯),谷蕾,陈彦芳.全新世中后期开封西郊黄泛沉积序列的孢粉记录.地理学报,2016, 71 (5)






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