报告题目:How to get your paper accepted
报告人:Paul A. Carling英国南安普顿大学教授
Paul A. Carling简介:
Paul A.Carling is currently Professor in Physical Geography and a research group leader in Earth Surface Dynamics at the University of Southampton. He is also a visiting Professor of Henan University since 2016. Prof. Carling has published around 200 peer-reviewed papers.
His research and consultancy interests include:
Stability of river channels at oil and gas pipeline river crossings
Stability of river channels with respect to engineering structures such as bridges, revetment
River channel and landscape evolution in relation to the influence of catastrophic flooding
Spatial and temporal aspects of rainfall-runoff processes
Hydraulics and hydrology of the LowerMekongRiver Basin
Effects of agricultural management practice, especially upland management, drainage and forestry, on river systems and aquatic biota
Design of commercial forest drainage systems and soil retention measures
Dynamics of gravel bed rivers and bedrock channels; especially suspended and bed sediment dynamics and channel stability
River bedform mechanics
Near shore and estuarine sediment dynamics